Sunday, January 31, 2010

Marxism pt. 2

While reading up on Marxism, I read an interesting part of Marxist's views on literature. A Marxist believes that economic and social conditions determine religious beliefs, legal systems and cultural framework. Which I personally agree with. One of Karl Marxs' views that i agree with also is that Marx believed that religion is used to keep people in their place and docile. He thought that religion benefited the established order.

Karl Marx was a magnificent philosopher, political economist, historian, political theorist, sociologist, communist, and revolutionary.

More to come.


Saturday, January 30, 2010


I love the ideas that Karl Marx had, but they didn't seem to work out. During my morning smoke, i had a convo with James and we discussed the ideas of Communism. The idea of Communism is really fascinating, but because everyone wants to strive for something better it defeats its purpose. Communism works out perfectly theoretically, but those who attain power let greed take them over. Thats all for now...more to come on this book.


Friday, January 29, 2010


Did taxes last night, shit is BOGUS!

Not getting much.

Pretty boring day today, didn't do much besides sit around and watch shitty movies.
I DID watch Gamer last night though...verdict...not bad, could have been better. Spartacus is the shit favorite show.
Thats all for now.


Thursday, January 28, 2010


Today was kind of boring, wasn't that busy at work...didn't really wanna be there but someone has to make the money for my car...kind of. I hate the money situation im in right now, but fuck it, what can i do right? 4 more months and I'm out of here! Gonna look for a room to rent! Tired as hell right now, kinda hungry...TIME TO EAT!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010



DJ QuikXKurupt




UGK - International Players Anthem from @ndre$ito on Vimeo.

Old but good.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Cop this shit!
Download Link: That N*ggas Crazy!


One of a kind! WE DA WEST! Can't find these ANYWHERE!!!

On the prowl!

Puffin on blunts and DRANKIN'

You niggas cant fuck with this!
Didn't even know there was a vid for this. Yee



Gunnin for pape!


What I've been recently listening to

I have something to tell you...

Came across these beauties...

RPF1's son! Black edition! LoveXem! If only...